Thursday, June 24, 2010

Batman: City of Scars

This is a fan made Batman short film by Filmmaker Aaron Schoenke that came out a few days ago. Now, before you scoff at this, bear in mind that this guy spent $27,000 dollars of his own money to make this shortfilm. Was it worth it? You be the judge...

Here is the synopsis from their dailymotion site:
When the Joker escapes from Arkham and murders the parents of a young boy, Batman recalls the pain of losing his own parents as a child. He is pushed past his limits to the point where his focus becomes revenge on all who stand in his way, including many of Gotham’s underworld. Finally, Batman is forced to look at the psychological profile of his own mind and accept the consequences of his life to find resolve.
IMO the short film was done very well. The thing that stands out about it is it's grityness. It's not like a studio movie, wherein the director has to please the studio execs and sugarcoat the whole story. I like the realism from this short film it's kinda like in the Nolan directed Batman Begins films, which I think are the best Batman films to date.

The scene locales look authentic and very well put together and they really set the right mood and atmosphere. The actor who played Batman did a good job portraying the Dark Knight (anyone's better than Christian Bale's voice change as the Batman), but the narrations seemed a bit off. Also, the voice overs seemed a little weird  mainly with the Joker, Harley Quinn's scene in Arkham and in the bar fight scene. The storyline and action scenes seemed to work well within the movie. But the overall acting seemed a bit inadequate. Nonetheless, its a good watch if you are a Batman fan and have the free time cause it's about 30 mins long.

Check out the other Batman short films from this production team at:
Bat In The Sun Productions

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